Stay top of mind with digital ads that target prospective students where they are.
Most of us spend a lot of time online. It’s not just teens—adults of all ages rely on social media for communication, networking, and entertainment. With so much time spent on these platforms, it’s only natural that community colleges should want to advertise on them. Once you have the in-depth articles you need to make the case for your programs and services, targeted, digital ads can draw attention to them, so the right students see them at the right time.
Social media campaigns with trackable data.
Managing a successful social media campaign is a job built for multitaskers. Between writing content, assembling images, targeting audiences, scheduling post, and assembling reports, there’s a lot to do. Once you approve content, our team will handle social posts for your campaign and deliver reports so that you can see how your content performed.
We will align your print and digital strategies by using content from your articles to create attention-grabbing social posts full of relevant information. Link content to articles on your microsite for full multichannel impact.
Social media platforms have tools that allow marketing campaigns to be highly targeted by demographic information. We can set up your social media ads so that they go to the audiences that most need to see them.
Learn how your social posts have performed through reports that track impressions, clicks, and engagement. See how your target demographics responded and adjust future advertising campaigns for more success.
Your community college marketing benefits when all your channels are working together.
Social media is just one component of our multichannel marketing service. Combined, a direct mail print magazine, accompanying microsite, and social media ad campaign deliver a powerhouse combination. Direct mail reaches students in their homes, social reinforces the messaging online, and the microsite provides a stable ongoing reference. Contact us today to learn how we can build a multichannel marketing strategy for your community college.