Right now, most of our content library centers around articles that are relevant to community colleges and the job market of common community college programs. However, we believe our services can be effective for any business model with a high demand for informative content, but low direct competition.
Community colleges meet these criteria because main decision most prospective students face is whether to go to community college, not which community college to attend.
We believe that similar markets might include physical therapy studios that work in conjunction with local hospitals, local chapters of professional guilds, or regional sporting associations. If you own a business or run the marketing department of an organization that might benefit from our services, contact us. We are happy to discuss your situation to determine if our tools are a good fit for your business.
No. However, it will make your marketing department more effective. Right now, they’re working as hard as they can with the tools they have. We bring an whole new tool set that makes their jobs easier.
We want all our clients to have full control over the presentation of their organization. While the articles in our content library can be used as-is, they can also be edited as extensively as you like to suit your needs. You can even write and upload your own custom content to be distributed using our print and digital tools.
Believe it or not, print is growing in popularity—especially among Gen Z. This generation, along with the Millennials, are avid readers, many preferring print as a distraction-free and more environmentally-conscious alternative.
Print also has greater staying power, as prospective students are more likely to see it multiple times as it sits on their desk or kitchen counter, as opposed to digital campaigns, which must compete against any number of other advertisements, and which can disappear as quickly as a user scrolls by.
This isn’t to discredit digital marketing as an effective tool. It’s cheap, instantaneous, and offers greater analytical insight into user behavior. But it does have its limitations, which means we don’t expect print marketing to go anywhere anytime soon.
Contact us to learn more about our print CareerFocus Magazine.
Our digital marketing suite includes social media campaigns, micro websites, and email marketing tools. We even offer text reminders as another way to connect colleges with their student base.
Content marketing is a direct response to the growing trend among consumers of conducting deep market research before making purchasing decisions. It’s also a way for organizations to make a longer, more detailed, and more benefit-focused case for their business than before.
At Aperture Content Marketing, our primary focus is on community colleges, and helping prospective students understand how professional certification and two-year degree programs can be an affordable way to grow their employment prospects. While information such as employment statistics and expected income projections are crucial data points for this decision, it can be difficult for individual students to find these statistics on their own.
Our content marketing pieces bring that information to them in an organized, digestible way. Students have the resources to make well-informed decisions about their future, and community colleges are able to grow their enrollment and advance the economy.
Our digital marketing campaigns include analytics reports that allow you to see the success of each component of your marketing strategy. From social media impressions, to open rates on email, from visitor traffic on your website, you can learn more about how your audience interacts with your material.
Community colleges who use our print direct-mail campaign report increased enrollment, as well as anecdotal evidence of students bringing hard copies of the latest CareerFocus issue or citing it as a contributing factor in their enrollment decisions. We’ve also heard that teachers and guidance counselors frequently request multiple copies of both CareerFocus and SmartStart to distribute to their students.