What do community college students want? Jobs!
They are looking for good-paying jobs and the training to get hired! But many prospective students aren’t aware of many new and exciting community college programs offered in their area—or what a career in those fields would look like. To win these students, effective marketing can open a prospective student’s eye to the job possibilities available to them. This is best accomplished with concrete examples and data: specific career pipelines at your school for in-demand jobs, new scholarship or grant programs, or information about a line of work they may not have heard of.
At its best, marketing is about communication
Across the US, employers, states and localities are creating new programs and scholarship opportunities to address the skilled labor shortage. But often, community college marketing teams must find and inform prospective students of these new opportunities.
At Aperture, we help community colleges reach members in their community by supplying the content, the means of distribution, and the marketing expertise to help these campaign succeed and win new students. We do the research, design, and IT backend for a range of options including a microsite, social media posts or print mailers. Our library of prewritten materials and staff of writers/designers/translators can make your content up-to-date, highly attractive and relevant. Call us for a consultation on growing your enrollment with an effective content marketing strategy.
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