How one community college used enrollment marketing to reach a new audience.
The 65+ demographic is among the most overlooked when it comes to community college marketing, yet this age group is ripe with opportunity. Recently, San Jacinto College in Pasadena, Texas has devoted some of their marketing resources to spreading awareness about their senior programs using CampaignBuilder, our content marketing platform.
Content marketing provides colleges with the toolset they need to reach key market segments no matter where they happen to be. It helps colleges send unified messaging through print and digital channels, including websites, social media, and traditional print mailers.
Having used our CampaignBuilder for many years to send enrollment marketing materials to traditional students, San Jacinto realized they could apply the same system to target the senior demographic. Is it time your community college did the same?

Highlight programs of interest to senior citizens.
Today’s seniors are healthier and more active than prior generations, and are less inclined to view the close of their professional career as the end of their public activity.
On the contrary, they are looking for ways to stay engaged in their communities, through volunteer work, sunset careers at non-profits, new hobbies and recreations, and mentorship programs. Senior citizens are eager both to learn and to share their experience with others, and their community college is just the place to do it.
SeniorFocus puts the spotlight on senior programs offered by your college such as:
- Educational and cultural programs
- Health and exercise programs for 65+
- Lifelong learning courses
- Retirement guidance
- Computer skills and digital literacy classes
- Mentorship and volunteering opportunities
Your community college is your community’s college.
When senior citizens are disengaged from their community college, it has negative consequences for both them and their communities. Many of the resources offered by community colleges are free. Yet these programs are overlooked by the very citizens they are designed to help—not from lack of interest but from lack of awareness.
Moreover, when seniors are unaware of the programs that might benefit them, they become less likely to support the college when the time comes toraise funds through a donation drive or a new millage proposal.
San Jacinto’s outreach through SeniorFocus has been successful in building support for the community college among this critical demographic. If you would like to create a SeniorFocus campaign for your college, contact us to learn more.